Wednesday, April 14, 2010

lOSTies with Jed & Cara : Episode 59 "Everybody Loves Hugo" Initial Reaction

We are guessing everybody loved "Everybody Loves Hugo" and the LOSTies are thrilled to agree.  Join Jed and Cara as they go through their initial thoughts on the Hurley/Libby love fest.  

LOST 6.12 "Everybody Loves Hugo" : A- (Jed) A (Cara)

"Ruby" - Kaiser Chiefs

For download: M4V


  1. Hey Jed....this epi shot ur Mirror theory down. Hurley didnt look into any mirrors, in fact there were no mirrors at all, oh well.

    Great recap as usual guys, u are the BEST !!!!

  2. Thanks! Just to clarify - my mirror thoughts are not theories - they are just pointing out the visual aesthetic that the show is using to illustrate an idea.

    Though, I was shocked that they abandoned it for this episode. I guess because Hurley was shown his other life - they did not need to gives us a pause for him.

    Never the less, the mirror shots are uber cool.


  3. Hey Jed,

    Having a music player on your site is a great idea--and I now have an iTunes playlist called "LostiesJedCara" (I ran out of space to make it more descriptive!) for music I hear about from your show. Quality choices.

  4. Thanks Anna - your iTunes playlist with the lack of "and" matches our web address with the lack of "and."

    Cosmically it makes sense.
