Thursday, February 4, 2010

LOSTies with Jed & Cara : Episode 37 "LA X" Initial Reaction

The first initial reaction of the final season of LOST… is here! Jed and Cara sit down and talk through their thoughts about the season 6 premiere, "LA X." There is left-over cake from the party, so the LOSTies must finish it off while dissecting their views on the mind altering episode. And yes, somehow, Lilly makes an appearance. Short and sweet - that's how we play! Enjoy.

For download: M4V

LOST 6.1 "LA X" : A- (Jed) A (Cara)



  1. Bummer about your DVR dying. Have you been able to raise it from the dead yet? You could always try a flash sideways... maybe it still works in that timeline.

  2. I have watched you two grow up the past year and I have to say , I am very proud.

  3. DVR is back and running... we will have to see how it handles Tuesday night.

    Donald, Mikhail and Charlotte... I am saluting you dramatically and tearing up a tad.

    Thank you.
